10 reasons to learn French: reason #1


April 1, 2016 / May 31, 2016


Our partner Frantastique has established a list of 10 reasons to learn French…the first one show you how to dominate your dinner menu. 

 With just a handful of French terms, you can take your bistrot game to the next level. Start your evening with an a​péritif,​ then move on to an a​muse­-bouche.​ Your mouth should be so amused that you’ll barely have room for the pièce de résistance. ​A quick t​rou normand will help you find a second wind, just in time to go t​ête-à-tête ​with a p​lanche de fromage. Cap off your s​oirée​ with a d​igestif, ​before heading to a f​ête.​ If you’ve been using all these words, your date may have even transformed from a “p​eut­-être”​ to a “​oui oui”.​

Bon appétit, you little connaisseur, you.

Find out more here about Frantastique’s online courses in partnership with the Institute. First month is free !